
Gregory R. Trauthwein

Perhaps it’s a function of my age, but it’s inconceivable that we’re almost set to switch the calendar to 2024. This year has passed in a blur, perhaps premised on the return of a robust travel schedule to events globally.

This is our traditional year-end eMagazine dedicated to Subsea Vehicles, arguably one of my favorite editions of the year because of the amazing array of subsea vehicles, from the monster machine you see on the cover to the swarming micro AUVs that are conspiring to collect more, better data from the world’s waterways.

I’m truly looking forward to connecting with the subsea community next year in London at Oceanology International, an event which looks like it will be bigger and better than ever. The entire MTR team will be on hand in London, and in fact MTR TV is the exclusive ‘Web TV’ partner with Oi ’24. If you are planning to be in London and want to share news and information on a new development from your company, drop me an email at trauthwein@marinelink.com and we’ll get you on the schedule.

Until then, a sincere thank you to our readers, our advertisers and our partners across the subsea, offshore energy and maritime sectors … your continued interest and support is greatly appreciated.

Gregory R. Trauthwein

Publisher & Editorial Director


Click or scan the QR code to see MTR’s 2024 Media Pack and Editorial Calendar

December 2023