Image courtesy Dr. Dawn Wright/Esri

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  • Photo credit: Teledyne Marine

    LVR Flote helps rebuilding of bridge with sonar precision

  • Copyright Andriy Nekrasov/AdobeStock

    Subsea Megatrends for 2025 and Beyond

    Rear Admiral (ret.) Tim Gallaudet, oceanographer, former NOAA administrator, and veteran Navy leader, joined Marine Technology TV to discuss the megatrends shaping subsea technology – from AI through autonomy – in 2025 and beyond.

    Interview by Greg Trauthwein on Marine Technology TV

  • Photo credit: R.M. Young Company

    How to Build a Weather Station Tailored to Your Application

  • Source: IBM

    Quantum Advantage

    Quantum computing has reached utility stage; quantum advantage is likely to be reached soon, and it is likely to be achieved in combination with traditional computers.

    By Wendy Laursen

  • Image courtesy Dr. Dawn Wright/Esri

    Dr. Dawn Wright: Mapping the Deep and Charting New Frontiers

    For Dr. Dawn Wright — aka @deepseadawn — mapping the unknown is both a passion and a mission.

    Excerpts from the DEEP DIVE podcast hosted by Rhonda Moniz

  • Fascinated by Shipwrecks: The Science and Discovery of Lost Vessels

    Beneath the waves, hidden in the depths of the ocean, lie the remnants of history—silent witnesses to a past filled with adventure, tragedy, and discovery. Shipwrecks have long captivated the human imagination, serving as portals to another time. But for Dr. Art Trembanis, a professor of marine science at the University of Delaware, they are more than just relics; they are complex puzzles waiting to be solved.

    Modified from EPISODE 7 – Fascinated by Shipwrecks Podcast – hosted by Kathy A. Smith

  • Image courtesy Sid Hynes

    Canadian Shipwreck Hunters

    Motion Reference Units (MRUs) are crucial in bathymetric survey technology, providing precise motion compensation data to ensure reliable and accurate seafloor mapping. For users like Captain Sid Hynes, a seasoned mariner exploring Newfoundland’s shipwreck-rich waters, the Norwegian Subsea MRU has redefined what is possible, delivering exceptional performance even in incredibly challenging conditions.

  • Image courtesy NOC

    The Mother of Monster Waves, a Quarter Century Later

    On the night of February 8, 2000, the crew of the British research vessel, Royal Research Ship (RRS) Discovery, were braced for a storm. What they got was beyond imagination, wave heights topping 20m, data collected that remains among the most detailed direct measurements of extreme waves ever recorded.

  • Karl Kenny, Kraken Robotics Founder and former CEO

    People, Companies & Products News

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Marine Technology Magazine
February 2025
Teledyne Marine

Marine Technology E-mag, Volume 68 - Number 2, February 2025

New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010

Tel:212-477-6700; Fax:212-254-6271


John C. O’Malley |

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