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Honourable Andrew Parsons Photo courtesy Minister Andrew Parsons

Our province has been shaped by the Atlantic Ocean. It can be extremely cold, extremely unforgiving. If it works here, it will work anywhere. The technology we use here can be adapted anywhere else in the world. We are adaptive, we are nimble, we are problem solvers… and at the end of the day, we are collaborative.


Industry, Energy & Technology,
Newfoundland & Labrador

Honourable Andrew Parsons Credit: National Research Council of Canada / Conseil national de recherches du Canada.

Given the increasing threat of climate change and the growing need for safe, secure and efficient green transportation in Canada, we continue to focus on protecting Canadian sea coasts and supporting next-generation transportation and our ships.

- Dr. David Murrin,

Director General of the Ocean, Coastal, and River
Engineering Research Center at NRC

Chris Hearn

We are innovative by nature because we had to be. I heard a great quote one time about Newfoundland & Labrador: it has a landscape that makes you want to live up to it, but it doesn't provide you the resources to do it! We've had more than 500 years of living here, and because we're isolated, we had to grow something here in order to be able to deal with things.

- Chris Hearn,

Director of the Center for Marine Simulation,
Fisheries & Marine Institute, Memorial University

We facilitate collaboration through targeted events, and we advocate for support from our provincial and federal funding partners for our members.

- Shelly Petten,

Executive Director,
Oceans Advance

Kraken's mantra for the years since we started has always been innovate or die. We've taken that quite seriously. We're always pushing the envelope in everything that we're doing.

- David Shea,

Kraken Robotics

People love to say they’re going to collaborate, but that's something that you have to curate, working actively to create the conditions for success. We're focusing on that piece; developing impactful collaborations through the space.

- Meagan Kay-Fowlow,

Co. Innovation Centre

Ocean Advance is an incredible association here in Newfoundland and Labrador, that is really looking at continue to raise the ocean sector within the province.

- Paula Mendonça,

Executive Director,
Ocean Start Up Project

Laurie Balan

Looking out over the next five to 10 years, we will see more growth in the US, building on a base that we have started. We’ve built relationships there, we know the culture, we’re part of the culture, and that’s where the significant backlog of government work resides at the moment in the shipbuilding industry.

– Laurie Balan,

Genoa Design International

Chris Hearn

Some of the early projects (at the OERC) were on iceberg towing; this was about the time that the early exploration for oil production off the coast of Newfoundland was taking place, and people were concerned about Iceberg Alley. It was a simple question: Can you move these things out of the way of something moored?
That started research, and then other companies and local organizations developed that further. C-CORE is a university offshoot with an extensive ice research history, particularly supporting the oil and gas industry. The National Research Council have its ocean engineering laboratories here, so they have a large ice tank. But these facilities are only as good as the people who can use them.

- David Molyneux,

Director, Ocean Engineering Research Center (OERC),
Memorial University